ANMF offers a number of ways for
medical organizations to solicit needed help and for interested people worldwide
to offer their resources to needy health causes in Nepal. ANMF raises funds to
be used in supporting worthy projects in Nepal. Organizations in Nepal may
submit a proposal to ANMF for the support they need. Although we are not able to
satisfy all requests, we are able to help some valuable projects become a
A project is funded by ANMF only after our sister organization America
Nepal Medical Foundation/Nepal (America Nepal Chikitsa Pratisthan) in Kathmandu
has carefully investigated the requesting organization and the priority of their
project. In this way we can offer assurance to our donors that their offerings
are being put to good use.
More than this, we try to act as a matchmaker for potential donors and
recipients no matter how far removed they might be from one another. Our
Bulletin Board is a means for donors and recipients to find one another. We
offer this as a service for anyone to use. As a consequence we cannot vouch for
the accuracy of requests or offers appearing on our Bulletin Board.
- For more about applying for a grant from ANMF, please see Grants.
- To make a donation, please see Donations.
- To volunteer to work in Nepal, please see Volunteer.
- For more about making requests or offers of medical resources, please see Bulletin Board.
- To learn about other resources, please see Links.