According to the International Labor Organization, "Nepal is the world's 12th poorest country, with an annual per capita of $241, the lowest in the South Asian region." Volunteering is an opportunity for you to make a difference for the people of Nepal and have a good time doing it.

There are frequent opportunities for individuals to volunteer in Nepal. ANMF is often looking for people with specific or general knowledge or skills in medicine or health care delivery. ANMF expects volunteers to be self-supporting and to pay their own expenses, including airfare to Nepal. Some opportunities in Nepal may provide for some or all living, working and travel expenses inside Nepal; others won't be able to.

ANMF has occasional needs for experts in various fields of medicine for its own continuing medical education (CME) programs. In addition, ANMF often supports projects in Nepal that are looking for people with varying expertise who would be willing to work in Nepal.

We are also associated with organizations in Nepal that have recurring needs:

Nick Simons Institute

  • Medical teachers - and not just doctors.
  • Education specialists - to help plan programs, write curricula, and implement training.
  • Primary school teachers - for its programs which will support schools that are attached to remote hospitals.
  • Researchers - with energy and ready for new challenges.
  • Consultants in marketing and design.
  • Visit Volunteering with NSI on the NSI website

Nyaya Health

  • Nyaya Health is looking for healthcare professionals and engineers who have a long-term interest in advancing social justice in Far Western Nepal.
  • Priority is given to those with skills needed for Nyaya programs in Achham (medical, engineering, public health, etc).
  • Volunteer opportunities in Achham are limited and available typically only to individuals with significant public health or medical skills, have some level of language skills in Nepali or Hindi, and can work in Achham for at least 12 weeks (longer is required if skill level is less).
  • Visit Volunteer in Nepal on the Nyaya website

Patan Academy of Health Sciences

  • Seeking volunteers who can teach the basic science classes (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, and Community Health) at PAHS.
  • Volunteer faculty are welcome for as little as 6 weeks, or as long as they would like to stay.
  • This opportunity is not restricted to faculty members who currently teach basic sciences.
  • Visit Volunteer on the PAHS website

To volunteer for opportunities in Nepal, please send information about your skills and interests.


For additional information, contact ANMF.

Other organizations also provide volunteering opportunities in Nepal. Some offer medical related opportunities. Some charge a substantial fee. The following few are listed for information purposes only. ANMF does not endorse or vouch for any of these organizations in any way.

BVO Nepal
Global Volunteer Network
Him Shikhar Socio-Cultural Society
Hope & Home
INFO Nepal
Institute for Field Research Expeditions
United Planet
Volunteer Nepal
Volunteer Nepal National Group
Volunteer Society Nepal

And there are many more. For a more comprehensive listing, do a Google search on "volunteer Nepal" or see: Transitions Abroad.

For information about donating to ANMF, please see Donate. ANMF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible. Your donations are seriously needed and greatly appreciated. Thank you.

For information about joining ANMF, please see Join.

Thank you!

