The America Nepal Medical Foundation is
dedicated to the advancement of health care and medical education in Nepal. The
Foundation has two ongoing programs in Nepal -
ANMF/Nepal and
Continuing Medical
Education. In addition, each year ANMF funds as many
projects as possible. These projects are brought to
us by interested institutions in Nepal. They are funded on a
competitive basis. The project proposals are first reviewed and
prioritized by our sister organization, ANMF/Nepal. This is because the medical
professionals working in Nepal are best able to determine the needs and
priorities of the country. Project proposals recommended by ANMF/Nepal are
forwarded to ANMF/America where they are funded to the fullest extent we are
able. We depend upon contributions from the public to support this work.
In addition to these projects funded on an annual basis, ANMF occasionally
takes on large scale, multiyear development projects that require significant
investment. These projects are funded separately from our normal projects.
ANMF also provides an electronic Bulletin
Board where persons or institutions in Nepal can post their needs,
and persons worldwide can post their offers. These requests and offers
are not reviewed by ANMF and we cannot vouch for their verity. However,
the bulletin board provides a good opportunity for needs and resources to find
each other.
- To learn about applying for support for a project in Nepal, please see Grants.
- To support a project in Nepal, please see Donations.
- To learn about projects supported by ANMF, please see Projects.
- To learn about ANMF's development projects, please see Development Projects.
- To see requests and offers of medical resources, please see Bulletin Board.
- To learn about ANMF's continuing medical education programs, please see CME.
- To learn about ANMF/Nepal, please see ANMF/Nepal