From: Karing For Kids
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 21:52:08 +0545
To: Jeanne Herbert

Subject: ANMF support Clinic Lab Update/status

Dear Jean Herbert and Ngawang Jee,

Greetings from KFK Nepal. It has been a while since we communicated for the last time. It is pleasure to update you on the following.

1. As you all know, the renovation work to set up a medical lab space and procurement and installation of all required equipment and supplies were completed by the end of February 2008. The lab could not be started as the person (Radha Thapa) who was trained and prepared for the job left KFK unexpectedly.

2. Our search for a Lab Technician/Assistant for the ANMF supported Lab at the KFK Clinic at Goljung is finally over. We have finally recruited Mr. Indra Bahadur Rai, a resident of Kavre District and who was trained at the Banepa Hospital in Kavre District, as a lab assistant/in-charge, for this job. As you all know that not everyone is willing to go and work at the remote place like ours, so hope Mr. Rai will continue to work with us at least for the some.

2. As planned and budgeted, we have sufficient funds balance to cover the one year salary of Mr. Rai.

4. Pictures of the labs have already been sent to all concerned at the ANMF.

5. As the lab assistant has just joined (beginning 26th May 2008) and started the necessary investigation works, we shall be able to provide further updates and pictures being taken while performing the necessary laboratory test and services.

6. Due to ongoing political situation and transport fuel shortages, a visit to the clinic for the official opening of the lab has not taken place as yet. Let the lab's activities to continue and when there is a suitable time in future, we would like to welcome the members of ANMF to visit the lab and see the valuable contribution it has made towards the better health and well-being of the needy community of Rasuwa district.

Should you need further information please let us know.

Pragati Ghale

