Objectives: Help establish Pediatric and Neonatal ICUs in Nepal (Patan Hospital) train appropriate manpower and gather appropriate equipment.

Nepal is the 12th poorest nation on earth with an annual per capita income of $241 and a very high infant mortality rate. There are no pediatric or neonatal intensive care units, resources or trained manpower in Nepal for poor children; hence, they die of extremely treatable but serious illnesses.

The Nick Simon Foundation of New York is building a maternity hospital that will have spaces for pediatric and neonatal intensive care units. A team of volunteers consisting of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and respiratory therapists from United States developed a project to aid in the establishment of the PICU and NICU. They have the experience, skills, and heart for such a task. They need only the charitable donations of equipment, supplies, and funding to offset the costs for what is not provided.

By the end of the project, there will be a fully functioning, well-equipped PICU and NICU, with well-trained manpower taking care of critically ill children in Nepal, resulting in improved quality of care and decreased morbidity and mortality.

Project Description

Help establish a Pediatric ICU in Nepal (Patan Hospital).

1. Train appropriate manpower (see Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing and Pharmacy Training in Nepal)

Managing critically ill children requires a team effort. This being a highly specialized field, we will need trained paramedical staff, nurses and pharmacists, in addition to physicians. This is the only way we can make a difference in the care of our children. We have a number of dedicated physicians, nurses and pharmacists from the United States willing to volunteer their valuable time to train our medical personnel here in Nepal. The healthcare of Nepal will benefit immensely from this project. The quality of care for critically ill children will improve dramatically. We are confident that the morbidity and mortality will decrease. More medical staff will be trained.

2. Help gather appropriate equipment

What we lack is appropriate equipment. We have volunteers from North America eager to help this poor country but we cannot work or train in a Intensive Care Units without equipment to support us. We will need basic necessary equipment for a 6 bed pediatric ICU and a 6 bed neonatal ICU.

See the Latest Report from Patan Hospital

For more information about this project, see PICU Equipment or contact ANMF.

This is a unique opportunity for you to make a difference for the people of Nepal. Please make a donation to the America Nepal Medical Foundation. ANMF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible.

After you fill in the information below (so ANMF can track and acknowledge your contribution), you will be taken to a page with details on how to make your gift. Donations can be made to ANMF by check or online with a credit card, but a check means that a little bit more money gets to Nepal.


Thank you!

April 30, 2010 10:18 AM