Dear Ngawang
and all other respected persona in ANMF

Namaste !!!

At first I’d like to say “Happy Deepawali”.

We are glad to say you that we have completed three days training programs for farmers from Baghauda, Gardi and Kalyanpur VDC successfully. The trainings commenced at Nov.23 to 31 in seminar hall of Bufferzone office, Basantapur, Baghauda-3 which is almost center to three respective VDCs.

{ For fourth VDC- Ayodhyapuri, we will conduct the training at center of the same VDC (Nov.19,20,21) and School programme for whole Madi (Nov. Nov22,23,24) at Bufferzone Office, Basantapur which is considered center for whole Madi.}

We are glad to hear the appreciation of the program from farmers group. We are hopeful that farmers will follow up the WHO’s recommended first-aid and means of transport to hospital and also able to identify venomous snakes.

On evaluation from most of farmers mentioned that:

  • They are hopeful to next similar program for each farmers group instead of VDC level program to empower many at once.
  • They have demanded posters/ calendar illustrating deadly venomous to mild venomous snakes of the region to ease to pinpoint the deadly snakes only.
  • They have requested at least 3 to 6 months education program to know first-aid, venomous and nonvenomous snakes of the region. So, they won’t kill whatever snake they will see/ meet/ encounter and also learn well to others at any time.
  • They have also demanded booklets containing facts of snake/first aid to snakebite and superstition to snakes.
  • Further, some farmer also claimed the CD of snake behaviour and others (in Nepali medium) so that they will show the film/ movie to all the members of the farmer’s group and their neighbors.

These were their more remarkable expectation from NGOs/ INGOs and Goveernment of Nepal (from evaluation form) in future.

I will prepare and submit full and final version of the report late on after completion of the training.

One interesting but annoying event of the program was that all the guest and visitors to Bufferzone office and Redcross office (aside to programme hall) denied to leave the hall.

Deb Prasad Pandey

Trainer and Training Co-ordinator
Snake and First-aid to Snakebite Awareness Training at Madi- the Rural Chitwan, Nepal

